Dream Interpretation Service

I believe we’re living in a day in which many people, both Christian as well as non-Christian, are getting dreams. Many of these people will not possess an interpretation of dreams or be able to understand them. Perhaps this is you. By offering this online dream interpretation service, I can assist you in understanding your dreams.

This is something I’ve done only for select people in the past, but now I feel this is something I want to be able to offer to you as well.

Not everyone has clear interpretations of dreams. This is a gift God has given me, so I want to be generous in sharing dream interpretations online with you and help you as needed.

If you feel you have a dream and you’re not quite exactly sure how to process it, then this is something I’m now making available to you.

Here’s What You’ll Get

1. Interpretation of symbols.

2. Themes, ideas, and concepts found within the dream. These may be directly stated or simply implied.

3. Meaning of the dream (what is it saying).

4. Course of action (how to respond).

This is the same format Joseph offered in his interpretation of the dreams Pharaoh had in Genesis. He basically told the Pharaoh what the symbols meant, and what the dream was saying. Then he concluded by instructing the Pharaoh how to respond to the dream so he could take appropriate action.

So now that you’ll understand what they symbols are, and what the dream is saying, I won’t leave you wondering how to respond to the dream. I’ll also inquire of God and ask him what actions you should take next.

As in the case with Joseph before Pharaoh, this is very valuable and very powerful. This is the blending of Word of Knowledge (revelation and understanding) with Word of Wisdom (application of knowledge), and one thing that sets me apart from others offering prophetic dream interpretations, as they usually offer only the revelation without the course of action or what to do next.

Most dreams have symbols and storylines that have themes. As I ponder and pray about your dream, God will reveal meanings to me and I’ll include this in interpretation of your dream as well.

I’ll take these themes and storylines and explain what they are, and also what they mean for you as part of the interpretation of dreams. This will give you a greater understanding of what God is saying, or revealing, to you through this dream.

One of the things that sets my dream interpretation services apart from others is the inclusion of the course of action as part of the interpretation. Whether online, or in person, most people offering dream interpretation do not mention what to do next, or how to respond to the dream. The course of action (how to respond to the dream) is an added value delivered to you, and is included when interpreting your dream.

How Long It Will Take

At this time allow 30 days to process the dream. The work load varies from time to time, but 30 days will allow enough time to process and digest your dream and get it written up and sent back to you.

Basically what I’ll do is read it, then pray about it. After that I’ll collect some ideas.

Then I’ll re-read the dream again, and write down more thoughts after praying about it again.

And then finally I’ll organize and edit the thoughts I’ve written and prepare it to be sent to you.

In total it will take roughly eight hours of time, spread out into separate sessions.

Of course if my workload is lighter and I am able to get it done sooner, I most certainly will do so. Likewise, if buried with work it may take an extra couple of days or so to get it to you. Once I receive your dream via email, I’ll respond with a confirmation and let you know the date when you can expect to have the dream interpretation sent back to you. This way you’ll know and won’t have to wonder or guess when it will be completed.

Here’s What You Need To Do

Step 1. Click here to make payment via Paypal.

Step 2. After you’ve completed your payment, email your dream along with your Paypal Transaction ID number. Send it to neil [at] neilvermillion.com. Dreams without payment will not be processed and will not receive a reply.

Important: You will need to provide a description of your dream in a text format. Your dream will have to be written out in order for me to be able to process it. If you’d like to send an audio recording of your dream instead of having it written out, you may do so, but an additional fee will apply to cover the additional labor of transcribing the audio recording.

The additional fee will be $3 plus one dollar per minute. For example, a 5 minute recording would be charged an additional fee of $8 ($3, plus 1 dollar per minute to transcribe the recording).

Step 3. After I receive your dream via email, I’ll respond with confirmation that everything is in order and give you the date the interpretation will be completed.

That’s all there is to it.

This is a great way for us to work together, partnering with what God is doing throughout the Earth in the day and season in which we live.

Having these dreams and understanding them, along with understanding how to respond to them so we can take meaningful action and be obedient and faithful with what God is showing and giving to us, is of paramount importance.

Some Things About The Way I Will Interpret Your Dreams

I don’t use stock symbols, and simply insert meanings for these symbols and use formulas to interpret your dream. Instead I take each symbol and inquire of God as to what it means for you specifically. This means the symbols don’t carry a meaning all their own but instead are unique to each individual.

For this reason the interpretation you’ll get from me is very unique and very specific to you as an individual. Since I won’t be using standard values attached to symbols found within the dream, it will be completely personalized and customized to you individually.

Even if you’d had a dream interpretation by someone else in the past, the interpretation I’ll give you will be very different, not like others, as it is tailored to you as an individual, and originated from God’s heart through the revelation of Holy Spirit.

This also means the interpreting your dream is very time-intensive on my part.

Because I don’t automatically attach meanings to symbols found within your dream I have to inquire of each symbol one by one. I don’t simply fill-in-the-blanks with typical values, so this makes the entire process much longer. Of course it’s much more personalized, but definitely requires more time to analyze. Generally it takes right about eight hours to process a dream and get everything collected and documented.

This being said, I have quite a good amount of experience doing this and the feedback I’ve received from people has consistently been very good. So I’m sure as you share your dreams with me I’ll do a very good job for you and help illuminate points and details that will help bring a deep and clear understanding to its meaning.

Of course in order for me to to be able to interpret your dream you’ll have to send me your dream in a written (typed) format to begin with. The best way to do this is with email.

The dream interpretation itself will be sent to you from me in typed form via email. Typically I’ll attach it as a pdf file so you can open it and read it regardless of the device you are using. This also makes archiving and sharing the interpretation very easy.

This written dream interpretation is very detailed, taking your dream line by line and processing it as carefully as possible. If you send me a dream that is 200 words you could easily expect my analysis and interpretation of your dream to be somewhere around 800-900 words.

Of course this varies from dream to dream, and I do not believe the number of words is an accurate indicator as to the quality of the interpretation, but at least it gives you an idea of what we’re talking about here in terms of detail.

Dream Interpretation Sample

If you’d like to see a sample of what a dream interpretation will look like, click here to visit a blog post in which I publicly published a dream given for the corporate body of Believers. This will give you an idea the scope and detail of what my dream interpretation service will include.



“Now words can express my appreciation…”

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“I will always be grateful for your influence in my life…”

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“I thank God for you and your gift…”

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“You have an amazing insight into the things of the spirit…”

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“Has given me an understanding…”

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