Is God Speaking To You?

Neil Vermillion —  March 18, 2013

Do you ever feel like you’re hearing things from God, but you just not quite sure?

This is common, and happens to everyone.

At some point along the way we feel like God is speaking to us, showing something, telling us something, revealing his plans, etc., and some how we fall into a bit of doubt. We start feeling like it should be different or things weren’t exactly as I thought they were and we fall into unbelief and doubt that we were hearing from God.

Do you think, “this is God speaking to me”, and then it doesn’t turn out exactly as you thought it would?

I’d like to encourage you that even though things don’t always turn out the way we think, that you are still able to hear from God. Just because things turn out differently, it doesn’t mean we’re completely wrong, or completely off.

Sometimes we see things “fuzzy”.

We see things darkly, not quite in clear focus.

Sometimes we don’t get all the pieces at the same time. Some things take a bit of time to stew. We have to chew on them for a while.

Other times we get the pieces in the wrong sequence. Sometimes things are given to us in a way that seems even backwards at times. In fact, it’s fairly common to the see end, to see the future, well before seeing how we get their.

That’s OK.

That’s the way it works sometimes. But this doesn’t mean you’re not hearing from God, or that it’s not God that you’re hearing.

No one starts out hearing clearly and perfectly.

Just because things might be a little fuzzy, or a bit unclear doesn’t mean that God is not speaking to you. It might mean there is a bit of room for growth in understanding what God is speaking to you, but it doesn’t mean that you’re not hearing from God.

If you find yourself in this situation, as many do, I’d like to encourage you to continue to ask. Continue to listen. Continue to look. Continue to seek.

As you do, God will guide you and, over time, you’ll begin to hear more and more clearly, and understand things better and better.

Just because things are fuzzy now, doesn’t mean they always will be.

And just because you don’t understand things right now, doesn’t mean you never will.

Keep seeking. Keep knocking. Keep asking.

Do you feel like you hear from God, but are not quite sure?