Archives For Neil Vermillion

Here are some testimonials from people who have received a Personal Prophetic Word.

Aaron O’Gorman

Sonal Kapoor

Mercedes Bankston

*Click any of the images below to see a larger view.

“Everything was spot on…”

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I started publishing the Daily Prophetic Words in February of 2014. In fact the very first post was published the 17th of February in 2014 (by the way, you can still read every single post ever published here in the archives, if you so desire). Continue Reading…

Here are some of the testimonials sent to me by email from the month of October in 2014. Continue Reading…

Here are some of the testimonials sent to me by email from the month of September in 2014. Continue Reading…

Here are some of the testimonials sent to me by email from the month of August in 2014.

I’ve posted them as images and removed the contact details in order to respect the sender’s privacy.

If you’d like to see a larger version of the image, just click on them and it should display a larger image making it easier to read.

As always, if you’d like to see more testimonials, you can view feedback collected on Twitter as well. Continue Reading…

Here are some of the testimonials sent to me by email from the month of July in 2014.

I’ve posted them as images and removed the contact details in order to respect the sender’s privacy.

If you’d like to see a larger version of the image, just click on them and it should display a larger image making it easier to read.

As always, if you’d like to see more testimonials, you can view feedback collected on Twitter as well.

“You saved my life tonight…”
Click here to view this image

“helped, in a way that you can’t imagine…”
Click here to view this image
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Most dreams that come my direction deal with individuals. Essentially they are God speaking to individuals about what’s going on in their life. However, I recently came across a dream I given for the corporate body of believers. Of course it was given to an individual, but it is not meant for this person only, but rather meant to be shared with the rest of us as followers of Jesus Christ. Continue Reading…

Below I’ve collected some of the testimonials sent to me by email from the month of June in 2014.

I’ve posted the testimonials as images and removed the contact details from each email in order to respect the sender’s privacy.

If you’d like to see a larger version of the image, just click on them and it should display a larger image making it easier to read.

20140647 Continue Reading…

Below I’ve collected some of the testimonials sent to me by email from the month of May in 2014.

I’ve posted the testimonials as images and removed the contact details from each email in order to respect the sender’s privacy.

If you’d like to see a larger version of the image, just click on them and it should display a larger image making it easier to read.

20140501 Continue Reading…

I am so convinced it’s God’s will for our lives to learn things the easy way. Even difficult lessons can be learned in relatively easy ways, if we will listen, follow and obey.

So why do we have such hard lessons?

Typically this is because of one of two reasons. Either we don’t have understanding, or we choose not to follow that understanding.
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The answer to this question is actually quite involved.

Rather than attempt to create an exhaustive resource to answer this I’d rather give you key points to consider – key ideas you can take with you, right now about what makes christianity unique from other religions.

This way you won’t get bogged down in memorizing details and facts (there are plenty), but instead walk away with key ideas to pray about, think about, and ask more questions about.

The first thing that makes Christianity unique is that it really is all about Jesus.
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God has something for you today.




Listen some more…

Do it daily.

Daily habits make a difference. They make a huge difference over the course of time.

In our world it’s so easy to get caught up in day-to-day activities and responsibilities that we don’t always take a moment or two to listen to what God has for us. We presume if God has something to tell us he’ll some how get our attention. Continue Reading…

Do you ever feel like you’re hearing things from God, but you just not quite sure?

This is common, and happens to everyone.

At some point along the way we feel like God is speaking to us, showing something, telling us something, revealing his plans, etc., and some how we fall into a bit of doubt. We start feeling like it should be different or things weren’t exactly as I thought they were and we fall into unbelief and doubt that we were hearing from God. Continue Reading…

A friend of mine posted a status update on Facebook, and I was so impressed with the way he was able to articulate the essence behind what is a stumbling block to so many people.

Since his communication was so clear, and well-said, I decided to simply capture it, along with the comments it spawned.
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